The Committee's chairman, Ivica Racan said that during the session editors of Croatian media had joined the committee, and they would inform the public of the meeting after it ended.
Sanader informed the present reporters that the Committee had discussed a procedure for the course of the negotiations and a role of the Committee in that process.
Reporters asked the premier whether his cabinet had prepared new documents so as to assure the European Commission's task force for Croatia, that would soon arrive in Zagreb, that the country was fully cooperating with the Hague-based UN war crimes tribunal.
Sanader reiterated the government was working on the only remaining issue (namely the issue of the runaway general Ante Gotovina) and that he believed that it would be successful in assuring the EC of Zagreb's full cooperation.
Asked whether there were some new details, Sanader answered that he could not talk about it and that something should be left for the task force.