The sea organ and the monument to the Sun, which were designed by architect Niko Basic, are part of a project to extend the waterfront so that big cruisers can dock.
A two-level system of 35 polyethylene pipes of different profile and length has been built into the waterfront. When the sea water enters the pipes, they produce harmonious sounds. The system can produce 35 different tones, grouped in seven sections, each with five tones. Since the music will be composed by the sea, it will always be different and it will be heard within a 100-metre radius, depending on the size of the waves. The sea organ has already attracted attention in the country and abroad.
The idea to build the sea organ is original, said Basic, who was assisted by music experts.
The monument to the Sun will be in the shape of a small amphitheatre with photo cells that will collect sunlight during the day and emit it during the night.
The media have recently reported that there is a similar sea organ in San Francisco, California, which is not tuned and transmits the sounds of nature, and an air organ in Sydney.