ZAGREB, Feb 13 (Hina) - The body of Croatian truck driver IvanPavcevic, who was killed in an attack on a convoy in Iraq on February7, has been transferred to Kuwait, Vinko Ljubicic, head of theCroatian Foreign Ministry's department
for the coordination andmonitoring of diplomatic missions and consular offices, told Hina onSunday.
ZAGREB, Feb 13 (Hina) - The body of Croatian truck driver Ivan
Pavcevic, who was killed in an attack on a convoy in Iraq on February 7, has
been transferred to Kuwait, Vinko Ljubicic, head of the Croatian Foreign
Ministry's department for the coordination and monitoring of diplomatic
missions and consular offices, told Hina on Sunday.Ljubicic said the Americans relayed the news of the transfer to the
Croatian Embassy in Cairo through diplomatic channels. He added the Foreign
Ministry would organise the transfer of the body to Croatia.
The 54-year-old Pavcevic was killed when Iraqi rebels attacked a truck
convoy near Tikrit on February 7 but his death was officially confirmed only
yesterday. He is the second Croatian victim among the Croatian truck drivers in
Iraq. Dalibor Burazovic was killed near Mosul last October.