In this broadcast, aired by the NOVA television network, the two had an unlimited time frame for answering questions, which was why they covered a lower number of topics than in their TV duel on Monday aired by the RTL television.
Mesic and Kosor each assessed positively their own performance as the head of state and the minister of war veterans' and family affairs respectively. They exchanged accusations for what they called their rival's failure to fulfil promises he or she gave before they were elected in the said positions.
Asked by the anchorman to comment on HDZ leader Ivo Sanader's statement that a vote for him is a vote for the Social Democratic Party (SDP), Mesic said that the support by the SDP was not a burden, adding that there were other parties, besides the SDP, that were backing his candidacy for his second term.
"A vote for Jadranka Kosor is not even a vote for the HDZ," Mesic responded. Kosor then labelled his statement as "something intolerable". In this context she said that last summer he had actually wished that he might become the presidential candidate of the HDZ.
During a heated debate, Mesic said that he would win votes of many of those who together with him had participated in the establishment of Croatia.
Kosor said she believed that all voters of the centre and centre-right political options would vote for her.
On Friday, the last day of the electioneering before Sunday's run-off, Kosor and Mesic will confront each other on a TV show to be aired by the Croatian Television (HTV) in the evening.