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Privredna Banka acquires LT Gospodarska Banka

Autor: ;mses;
ZAGREB, Oct 13 (Hina) - A leading Croatian bank - Privredna banka Zagreb (PBZ) - has acquired 66.98 percent of the stock capital in the LT Gospodarska Bank in Sarajevo at the price of 76.73 euros per share.
ZAGREB, Oct 13 (Hina) - A leading Croatian bank - Privredna banka Zagreb (PBZ) - has acquired 66.98 percent of the stock capital in the LT Gospodarska Bank in Sarajevo at the price of 76.73 euros per share.

The PBZ bought 140,704 shares at the Sarajevo Stock Exchange from five share-holders in the Bosnian bank, the PBZ reported on Friday.

The PBZ is also bound to announce public tender for buying remaining shares in the LT Gospodarska Bank.

At the end of 2005, the assets of the latter came to 71.9 million euros (1.19 percent of banks' assets in Bosnia).

This bank has five branch offices and 19 sub-branch offices.

(Hina) ms

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