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Bodies of 150 people exhumed from mass grave in eastern Bosnia

Autor: ;rmli;
SARAJEVO, Oct 11 (Hina) - Bosnian forensic experts have wrapped up the exhumation of a mass grave near the eastern town of Zvornik, where they have discovered the remains of 150 people, local media reported on Wednesday.
SARAJEVO, Oct 11 (Hina) - Bosnian forensic experts have wrapped up the exhumation of a mass grave near the eastern town of Zvornik, where they have discovered the remains of 150 people, local media reported on Wednesday.

The Krcevina mass grave contained 96 whole bodies and body parts of another 64 people.

A member of the exhumation team, Murat Hurtic, said the team discovered in the grave identification documents issued in Srebrenica, Rogatica and Visegrad.

It is therefore believed that the mass grave contained the bodies of Bosniaks from Srebrenica who were killed by Serb troops after the fall of the enclave in summer 1995.

The bodies were transferred to Krcevina after they were originally buried at another location to cover up traces of mass executions of captured Srebrenica Muslims.

(Hina) rml

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