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Central bank intervenes on foreign exchange market

Autor: ;itom;
ZAGREB, Sept 29 (Hina) - The Croatian National Bank on Friday intervened on the foreign currencies market buying 138.65 million euros at an average exchange rate of 7.3917495 kuna for one euro, the central bank reported.
ZAGREB, Sept 29 (Hina) - The Croatian National Bank on Friday intervened on the foreign currencies market buying 138.65 million euros at an average exchange rate of 7.3917495 kuna for one euro, the central bank reported.

This is the HNB's ninth foreign exchange intervention of the HNB since the start of this year, aimed at the curbing further appreciation of the kuna against the euro.

Today, the kuna appreciated by 0.67 percent in comparison to the middle rate earlier this week.

(Hina) its

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