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Tanker delivered to Swedish comapny 82 days before deadline

Autor: ;mses;
SPLIT, Sept 28 (Hina) - The Split-based Brodosplit shipyard on Thursday delivered a tanker to the Swedish Marinvest Shipping company. The delivery was carried out 82 days before the deadline, Brodosplit reported.
SPLIT, Sept 28 (Hina) - The Split-based Brodosplit shipyard on Thursday delivered a tanker to the Swedish Marinvest Shipping company. The delivery was carried out 82 days before the deadline, Brodosplit reported.

The 75,000-tdw tanker will be used for transport of petroleum products and sail through frozen seas.

The Swedish firm has commissioned another three tankers in Split.

The delivered tanker also has the so-called Green Card confirming its highest ecological standards and the Take Me Home device aimed at improving the vessel's safety.

(Hina) ms

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