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Croatia hosting international course for military observers

Autor: ;half;
GASINCI, Sept 20 (Hina) - The Gasinci military range near Djakovo in eastern Croatia on Wednesday held VIP Day of the United Nations Military Observers Course UNMOC-8, which is being attended by officers from Croatia, Nicaragua, Madagascar, Tonga, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, El Salvador, Capo Verde, Rwanda and Tanzania.
GASINCI, Sept 20 (Hina) - The Gasinci military range near Djakovo in eastern Croatia on Wednesday held VIP Day of the United Nations Military Observers Course UNMOC-8, which is being attended by officers from Croatia, Nicaragua, Madagascar, Tonga, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, El Salvador, Capo Verde, Rwanda and Tanzania.

The September 4-22 course is being taught by instructors from Croatia, Austria, Hungary and Bangladesh.

Course director Colonel Mijo Validzic said the aim of the course was to educate future military observers about the peace operations they would be deployed in.

Croatian military observers are currently engaged in Haiti, Georgia, Cyprus, Sudan and Afghanistan, while Croatian military instructors recently attended a course in Guatemala, said Brigadier Vladimir Mikac, the commander of the Centre for International Military Operations, where the course is being held.

(Hina) ha

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