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ICTY refers yet another case to Bosnia

Autor: ;rmli;
ZAGREB/THE HAGUE, Sept 5 (Hina) - The Hague war crimes tribunal this week decided to refer to the Bosnian judiciary a case against two Bosnian Serbs charged with war crimes against non-Serbs in a prison camp in the eastern Bosnian town of Foca.
ZAGREB/THE HAGUE, Sept 5 (Hina) - The Hague war crimes tribunal this week decided to refer to the Bosnian judiciary a case against two Bosnian Serbs charged with war crimes against non-Serbs in a prison camp in the eastern Bosnian town of Foca.

Mitar Rasevic and Sava Todorovic will be transferred to Bosnia-Herzegovina in the next 30 days.

The two are charged with the persecution, murder, torture, imprisonment and enslavement of Bosnian Muslims and other non-Serbs imprisoned in the Foca correctional facility between April 1992 and October 1994.

So far the Hague tribunal has referred five cases against nine indictees to Bosnia-Herzegovina and one case against two indictees to Croatia.

(Hina) rml

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