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Petrac to be extradited from Greece to Croatia tomorrow

Autor: ;mses;
ZAGREB, Aug 21 (Hina) - Hrvoje Petrac will be transferred from Athens to Croatia and taken to prison in Zagreb on Tuesday afternoon, the Croatian Interior Ministry said on Monday.
ZAGREB, Aug 21 (Hina) - Hrvoje Petrac will be transferred from Athens to Croatia and taken to prison in Zagreb on Tuesday afternoon, the Croatian Interior Ministry said on Monday.

The controversial businessman will be transferred from the Greek capital aboard a commercial airliner, and upon his arrival in Zagreb he will be taken to the Remetinec prison, according to a spokeswoman for the Interior Ministry, Emina Lisic.

Last year the Zagreb County Court sentenced Petrac to six years in prison for masterminding the abduction of General Vladimir Zagorec's underage son in February 2004. Since at the time he was on the run and the sentence was handed down in his absence, he can apply to the Supreme Court for a retrial.

Petrac was arrested in Greece in August last year and put in prison in Igoumenica. Earlier this month he was transferred to extradition detention in Athens, which indicates that the extradition process is in its final stage.

On July 27, Greek Justice Minister Anastasis Papaligouras signed a decision granting Croatia's request for extradition, the Croatian Ministry of Justice reported recently, adding that it received the decision through the Croatian Embassy in Athens.

The Croatian Ministry of the Interior will be responsible for Petrac's transfer to Croatia, the Ministry of Justice said a few days ago.

(Hina) ms

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