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Simon Wiesenthal Centre protests against article on web portal

Autor: ;half;
ZAGREB, July 25 (Hina) - The Simon Wiesenthal Centre on Tuesday vehemently protested against a "deeply anti-Semitic article" which appeared on the Pozega Online web portal and requested the Croatian authorities to prevent the publication of similar articles.
ZAGREB, July 25 (Hina) - The Simon Wiesenthal Centre on Tuesday vehemently protested against a "deeply anti-Semitic article" which appeared on the Pozega Online web portal and requested the Croatian authorities to prevent the publication of similar articles.

According to a press release from the Jerusalem-based Centre, the article was directed against its efforts to arrest Milivoj Asner, Pozega's police chief during the 1941-45 Nazi-styled Independent State Of Croatia, whom the Centre accuses of killing and deportation of Pozega's Jews, and against efforts to restore the neglected Jewish cemetery in the town in eastern Croatia.

The article by an unknown author also mocks the Centre's director, Efraim Zuroff.

In a letter to Croatian Ambassador to Israel Ivan Del Vechio, Zuroff called on the Croatian authorities to take measures to prevent the appearance of such articles on Croatian websites and to educate the public.

(Hina) ha

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