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67 laws passed by the Croatian parliament so far this year

Autor: ;mses;
ZAGREB, July 25 (Hina) - During its plenary sitting from mid-January to mid-July this year, the Croatian parliament discussed over 200 items from the agenda in its 56 working days, the Sabor has reported.
ZAGREB, July 25 (Hina) - During its plenary sitting from mid-January to mid-July this year, the Croatian parliament discussed over 200 items from the agenda in its 56 working days, the Sabor has reported.

Members of parliament spent 407 hours on discussions with the new Sports Act having taken ten hours.

In that season, the Sabor passed 67 laws and rejected 34 bills.

All the adopted laws were moved by the government, while the rejected bills had been proposed by opposition MPs.

The national parliament made 84 various decisions and endorsed 35 reports.

MPs are on summer recess until 15 September.

(Hina) ms

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