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Court of Bosnia-Herzegovina revokes verdict against Jelavic

Autor: ;itom;
MOSTAR, July 17 (Hina) - The Appeals Council of the Court of Bosnia-Herzegovina has revoked the verdict of a court of first instance under which a former Croat member of Bosnia's collective presidency, Ante Jelavic, was sentenced to ten years in prison for his alleged involvement in embezzlement of money which Croatia had been sending to Croats in Bosnia, Jelavic's attorney Dragan Barbaric told Hina on Monday evening.
MOSTAR, July 17 (Hina) - The Appeals Council of the Court of Bosnia-Herzegovina has revoked the verdict of a court of first instance under which a former Croat member of Bosnia's collective presidency, Ante Jelavic, was sentenced to ten years in prison for his alleged involvement in embezzlement of money which Croatia had been sending to Croats in Bosnia, Jelavic's attorney Dragan Barbaric told Hina on Monday evening.

According to Barbaric, the Appeals Council ordered a new trial.

Jelavic was sentenced to ten years in prison in early October 2005. He failed to appear in court when the verdict was delivered and has been at large ever since. According to Bosnian and some Croatian media, Jelavic is hiding in Croatia.

Barbaric said his client has no intention of returning to Bosnia at the moment. He said the most appropriate solution would be to refer the case to Croatia.

(Hina) its

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