According to the conclusions which the Council of the European Union adopted on Monday referring to the Western Balkans, this body "expressed disappointment that the constitutional reform was not adopted by the BiH House of Representatives."
European Union officials say that the constitutional changes in Bosnia are not a precondition for the conclusion of a Stabilisation and Association Agreement between Sarajevo and the Union, however, the state must have "more functional state structures that are better able to meet European standards".
According to the segment of the conclusions referring to Belgrade, "the Council regretted that Serbia and Montenegro was still not fully cooperating with the ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia) and it therefore supported the (European) Commission's decision to call off the negotiating round on a Stabilisation and Association Agreement scheduled for 11 May, in line with its conclusions of 3 October 2005 and 27 February 2006".
The Council "once again urged the authorities in Belgrade to ensure that all remaining fugitive ICTY indictees, notably Ratko Mladic, are brought to justice without further delay".
The Council underlines that upon the fulfilment of the necessary conditions the negotiations could resume rapidly.