The victims include 63,994 Bosniaks (Muslims), or 66.23 per cent, 24,206 Serbs, or 25.06 per cent, 7,338 Croats, or 7.59 per cent, and 637 others, or 0.66 per cent. Of the total number of those killed or disappeared, 38,645 were civilians and 57,529 soldiers.
Of the total number of the civilians killed or disappeared, 32,723 or 33.87 per cent were Bosniaks, 3,555 or 3.68 per cent were Serbs, 1,899 or 1.97 per cent were Croats, 466 or 0.48 per cent were others.
Of the total number of the soldiers killed or disappeared, 31,270 or 32.36 per cent were Bosniaks, 20,649 or 21.37 per cent were Serbs, 5,439 or 5.63 per cent were Croats, and 171 or 0.18 per cent were others.
Tokaca said he expected the final death toll to exceed 100,000.