The indictment says that Lukic, 38, bears individual and command responsibility for the expulsion, extermination, murder, inhumane acts and cruel treatment of Bosnian Muslim civilians in the general area of Visegrad from 1992 to 1994.
In the spring of 1992 Lukic organised a Bosnian Serb paramilitary unit called "Bijeli orlovi" (The White Eagles) or "Osvetnici" (The Avengers), which terrorised the Muslim population in the Visegrad area.
He and his cousin Sredoje Lukic, deputy commander of The White Eagles, are accused of locking up about 135 Bosnian Muslim women, children and the elderly in two houses in Visegrad in June 1992 and setting them on fire.
Lukic was arrested in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in August 2005, nine years after the indictment against him was issued. He was transferred to The Hague three days ago.