The relevant trial chamber noted that "the Accused is currently in the latter stages of a very lengthy trial, in which he is charged with many serious crimes, and at the end of which, if convicted, he may face the possibility of life imprisonment. In these circumstances, and notwithstanding the guarantees of the Russian Federation and the personal undertaking of the Accused, the Trial Chamber is not satisfied that the first prong of the test has been met-that is, that it is more likely than not that the Accused, if released, would return for the continuation of his trial," the ICTY said on Friday.
The prosecution team suspects Milosevic's wife and son live in Moscow and is against his provisional release as they fear that the indictee could say his health stops him from travelling back to The Hague.
Some of health problems of the 65-year-old Milosevic include high blood pressure, cardiological problems and frequent fatigues which have so far interrupted the trial many times.
The trial of Milosevic, accused of genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina and war crimes in Croatia and Kosovo, commenced four years ago before the Hgaue-based UN tribunal.