The trial is scheduled to commence on 14 March in the Italian capital, the Udine-based Messaggero Veneto newspaper reported on Thursday.
The indictees are the then JNA chief of staff, General Blagoje Adzic, and another three high-ranking Yugoslav officers who ordered a pilot of MIG 21 plane, Emir Sisic, to shell two helicopters carrying international observers.
In November 2004, Sisic was sentenced to 15 years in prison in Italy and later he was transferred to Serbia to serve his term.
Adzic and the other three indictees will be tried in absentia.
The above-mentioned Italian paper carried the article misinforming in the headline that the indictees were Croat officers. The text of the article, however, correctly reads that the indictees were members of the Yugoslav People's Army.
The Croatian Embassy in Rome will insist on the correction of the headline.