"On behalf of Istrian towns and Istrian County, we are forwarding to the government an initiative that as of this week units of local authorities should be allowed to decide on working hours during tourist seasons and we urge the government to adopt regulations on work rather than on nonwork," said Istrian County Prefect Ivan Jakovcic at Sunday's convention of Istrian mayors in Pula, referring to ban on work of shops on Sundays and holidays.
Pula Mayor Boris Miletic said that alongside a cut in the number of visiting tourists this summer as compared to last year's peak season, a decrease in turnover in the retail sector above 15 percent would automatically mean less funds in the state budget and consequently less funds to for instance Pula's general hospital and university facilities in that city.
Miletic warned that Italian tourists were already advised to buy provisions at home before travelling to Croatia due to closed shops.
He said that the regulations about working hours of shops and ban on smoking indoors affected restaurant and cafe owners and therefore called on the cabinet of Prime Minister Ivo Sanader to reconsider that legislation.
The initiative launched by mayors about changing legislation on shops' working hours has been supported by Istria tradesmen's associations.