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OTS: Ilirija d.d. - Notification of acquisition of treasury shares

OTS: Ilirija d.d. - Notification of acquisition of treasury shares

Biograd na Moru (Hina OTS) - Ilirija d.d., Tina Ujevića 7, Biograd na Moru, OIB: 05951496767, announces the following:

OTS: Ilirija d.d. - Notification of acquisition of treasury shares

OTS: Ilirija d.d. - Notification of acquisition of treasury shares

Biograd na Moru (Hina OTS) - Ilirija d.d., Tina Ujevića 7, Biograd na Moru, OIB: 05951496767, announces the following:

OTS: Podravka Inc. - Notice on the acquisition of own shares

OTS: Podravka Inc. - Notice on the acquisition of own shares

Koprivnica (Hina OTS) - Podravka Inc. , Ante Starčevića 32, Koprivnica, PIN: 18928523252 (Company) is issuing as follows:

OTS: Ilirija d.d. - Notification of acquisition of treasury shares

OTS: Ilirija d.d. - Notification of acquisition of treasury shares

Biograd na Moru (Hina OTS) - Ilirija d.d., Tina Ujevića 7, Biograd na Moru, OIB: 05951496767, announces the following:

OTS: Ilirija d.d. - Notification of acquisition of treasury shares

OTS: Ilirija d.d. - Notification of acquisition of treasury shares

Biograd na Moru (Hina OTS) - Ilirija d.d., Tina Ujevića 7, Biograd na Moru, OIB: 05951496767, announces the following:

OTS: Span d.d. -   Notice on the release of own shares

OTS: Span d.d. -  Notice on the release of own shares

Zagreb (Hina OTS) - Span Inc., za projektiranje informacijskih sustava, Koturaška cesta 47, Zagreb, OIB: 19680551758 is issuing as follows: 

OTS: Podravka Inc. - Notice on the acquisition of own shares

OTS: Podravka Inc. - Notice on the acquisition of own shares

Koprivnica (Hina OTS) - Podravka Inc. , Ante Starčevića 32, Koprivnica, PIN: 18928523252 (Company) is issuing as follows:

OTS: Google Recognizes P3 as Accredited Android™ Automotive 3PL Vendor for AAOS Compliance / xTS

OTS: Google Recognizes P3 as Accredited Android™ Automotive 3PL Vendor for AAOS Compliance / xTS

Stuttgart (APA OTS) - Independent international consulting technology and software development company P3 announces its official accreditation by Google as a Third-Party Laboratory (3PL) partner for the testing and certification of Android Automotive In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) systems.

OTS: Podravka Inc. - Notice on the acquisition of own shares

OTS: Podravka Inc. - Notice on the acquisition of own shares

Koprivnica (Hina OTS) - Podravka Inc. , Ante Starčevića 32, Koprivnica, PIN: 18928523252 (Company) is issuing as follows:

OTS: Ilirija d.d. - Notification of acquisition of treasury shares

OTS: Ilirija d.d. - Notification of acquisition of treasury shares

Biograd na Moru (Hina OTS) - Ilirija d.d., Tina Ujevića 7, Biograd na Moru, OIB: 05951496767, announces the following:


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HinaOTS jamči atraktivnost vaših izvješća i objava, kvalitetu praćenja događaja i korporativne komunikacije s javnošću, uz vrhunske fotografije, grafike i video produkciju te vidljivost na društvenim mrežama.

HinaOTS pridonosi i posjećenosti vaših press konferencija, promocija i drugih događaja. Uz pomoć našeg servisa vaša će priopćenja i sadržaji u najbržem roku u izvornom obliku stići do svih korisnika informativnih servisa i usluga Hine, medija, ustanova, tvrtki i pojedinaca u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu.

HinaOTS vam jamči visoki online doseg preusmjeravanjem na Google News i brojne internetske portale, te profesionalne baze podataka, uključujući Factiva i LexisNexis.

HinaOTS vaš je komunikacijski kanal prema kreatorima javnog mišljenja, redakcijama medija, specijaliziranim novinarima i urednicima, posebno koristan alat za prenošenje vaših sadržaja, neovisno o tome jeste li politička stranka, ustanova, tvrtka, udruga ili običan građanin.

Radno vrijeme službe OTS-a: od ponedjeljka do petka od 9 do 16:30 sati.

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