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OTS: ING-GRAD d.d - Notification on the Conclusion of a Market Maker Agreement

OTS: ING-GRAD d.d - Notification on the Conclusion of a Market Maker Agreement

Zagreb (Hina OTS) - ING-GRAD d.d., with its registered office in Zagreb, Kalinovica 3/IV, registered in the Court Register of the Commercial Court in Zagreb under company registration number (MBS): 080189931, OIB: 932452843055 (hereinafter the "Issuer"), is issuing as follows:

OTS:  ING-GRAD d.d - Notice on the Results of the Public Offering of Shares of ING-GRAD d.d., Zagreb

OTS: ING-GRAD d.d - Notice on the Results of the Public Offering of Shares of ING-GRAD d.d., Zagreb

Zagreb (Hina OTS) - ING-GRAD d.d., with its registered office in Zagreb, Kalinovica 3/IV, registered in the Court Register of the Commercial Court in Zagreb under company registration number (MBS): 080189931, OIB: 932452843055 (hereinafter the "Issuer"), is issuing as follows:

OTS: Podravka Inc. - Notice on the acquisition of own shares

OTS: Podravka Inc. - Notice on the acquisition of own shares

Koprivnica (Hina OTS) - Podravka Inc. , Ante Starčevića 32, Koprivnica, PIN: 18928523252 (Company) is issuing as follows:

OTS: ZEISS Lightfield 4D for instant volumetric high-speed imaging

OTS: ZEISS Lightfield 4D for instant volumetric high-speed imaging

Jena (OTS APA) - ZEISS announces the launch of Lightfield 4D, a new microscopy technology based on the light-field principle. As a new imaging mode integrated into the new ZEISS LSM 910 and LSM 990 confocal microscope systems, ZEISS Lightfield 4D redefines the way researchers observe living organisms, especially in the neurosciences, cancer research, developmental biology, and plant sciences. It enables instant volumetric high-speed imaging, allowing researchers to image the dynamic processes of life in complete samples with unprecedented temporal resolution.

OTS: Podravka Inc. - Transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities

OTS: Podravka Inc. - Transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities

Koprivnica (Hina OTS) - Podravka Inc. , Ante Starčevića 32, Koprivnica, PIN: 18928523252 (Company) is issuing as follows:

OTS: Ilirija d.d. - Notification of release of treasury shares

OTS: Ilirija d.d. - Notification of release of treasury shares

Biograd na Moru (Hina OTS) - Ilirija d.d., Tina Ujevića 7, Biograd na Moru, OIB: 05951496767, announces the following:

OTS: Podravka Inc. - Notice on the acquisition of own shares

OTS: Podravka Inc. - Notice on the acquisition of own shares

Koprivnica (Hina OTS) - Podravka Inc. , Ante Starčevića 32, Koprivnica, PIN: 18928523252 (Company) is issuing as follows:

OTS: Zagrebački holding d.o.o. - Merger of public suppliers of water services to the trading company Vodoopskrba i odvodnja d.o.o.

OTS: Zagrebački holding d.o.o. - Merger of public suppliers of water services to the trading company Vodoopskrba i odvodnja d.o.o.

Zagreb (Hina OTS) - Zagrebački holding d.o.o., Zagreb, Ulica grada Vukovara 41, MBS: 080042653, OIB: 85584865987, announces the following:

OTS:  Professional labelling anywhere, anytime: DYMO® introduces new labelmanager executive 640 CB

OTS: Professional labelling anywhere, anytime: DYMO® introduces new labelmanager executive 640 CB

Atlanta (APA OTS) – DYMO®, a leader in innovative labeling solutions, proudly announces the launch of the new LabelManager Executive 640 CB. It is designed for professionals seeking a fast, efficient, and reliable labeling solution for various work environments, from offices to the medical sector, with a strong emphasis on ease of use. The LabelManager Executive 640 CB enables users to print labels faster, saving valuable time on labeling tasks and boosting productivity across industries.

OTS: Granolio d.d. -  Notice on the held Sessions of the Management Board and Supervisory Board;Unaudited quarterly financial reports for 4Q 2024 published

OTS: Granolio d.d. - Notice on the held Sessions of the Management Board and Supervisory Board;Unaudited quarterly financial reports for 4Q 2024 published

Zagreb (Hina OTS) - Pursuant to the Capital Market Act and the Zagreb Stock Exchange Rules, GRANOLIO d.d., Zagreb, Budmanijeva 5, OIB:59064993527, MBS: 080111595, company entered into the Court registry of the Commercial Court in Zagreb (hereinafter: the Company), hereby announces


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