The film titled "Koblic" by Sebastian Borensztein will usher in the programme.
"Program of contemporary Argentinian films offers three interesting and intriguing titles. The first one is the unobtrusively and functionally directed psychological drama with elements of a thriller, Koblic, starring the great Ricardo Darino who suggestively portrays a man torn between loyalty to his own scruples, country and the woman he loves. Next on program is the laid back and unpretentious film Papers in the Wind whose popularity with the audience was secured by its humanely intoned humor that permeates to melodramatic story as well as convincing characters imbued with typical human flaws and some virtues here and there. The program ends with the humorous existential drama Showroom, whose subtle humor is based on a combination of a comedy of character and situation," according to the information provided on the cinema's website.
The films have Croatian and English subtitles.