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Recent Spanish film productions to be screened at Tuskanac cinema

Author: Roberta Mlinarić
ZAGREB, Dec 8 (Hina) - Spanish director Fernando Franco's a debut feature "Wounded" on Monday opened an event in Zagreb's Tuskanac cinema screening recent Spanish productions.
During the event, to last until December 12, four feature films and two documentaries will be shown to Croatian audiences.

"Wounded" is a story of a borderline personality disorder, the main character being a girl who professionally helps others but privately has difficulty with social interaction.

Marian Alvarez won the best actress award for the leading role in the film at the film festival in San Sebastian.

The other films to be shown are "Black Diamonds" by Miguel Alcantud, which deals with the sale of football players from Third World countries and their becoming slaves, "Arctic" by Gabriel Velazquez, "The Plague" by Neus Ballus, and the documentaries "The Female Teachers of the Republic" by Pilar Perez Solano, and "Ignasi M." by Ventura Pons.

The event was organised by the Spanish Embassy in cooperation with the Croatian Film Association.

(Hina) rml

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