Pula, (HinaOTS) - ULJANIK PLOVIDBA d.d., Pula, Carrarina 6, OIB 49693360447, is issuing as follows:
On October 13, 2015, through its companies - subsidiaries of the Group ULJANIK PLOVIDBA, the Company entered into a loan agreement with a Syndicate of foreign banks led by Credit Suisse Bank for the total amount of 86 million USD, repayable over a 12-year period with an annual interest of 250 index points plus LIBOR for United States Dollars. In addition, in the last month the Company has, within the framework of restructuring of its loan debt, already concluded two separate loan agreements with Zagrebačka banka and Privredna banka Zagreb and is in the following days expected to sign the final loan arrangement in cooperation with Raiffeisenbank Austria and the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The above loan refinancing activities, carried out with the full support of local and foreign banks, are aimed at a long-term adjustment of the loan obligations of the Company, arising from the financing of the purchase of several vessels of the Company’s fleet, with the developments on the global maritime market.
On 14 October 2015 the Company sold m/v MARLERA, the oldest dry cargo ship in the Company’s fleet, and delivered her successfully to the Buyers in the port of Fujairah.
Dragutin Pavletić, director
Source of information:
Carrarina 6, 52100 Pula
Informations to shareholders:
Tel: +385 52 211544
Fax: +385 52 211339
e-mail: orieta.grubic@uljanikplovidba.com
web: www.uljanikplovidba.com