The increase in revenue is the result of a tax revenue increase of HRK 1.8 billion (9.4%) from the first four months of 2014.
Tax revenue, which accounts for 54% of consolidated central government revenue, totalled HRK 21.4 billion in the first four months of 2015.
Social contributions, which account for over 32% of consolidated central government revenue, totalled HRK 12.7 billion in the said period, up 5.3% from the first four months of 2014.
VAT accounts for over 62% of tax revenue and brought in HRK 13.4 billion in the first four months of 2015, up 13% on the year.
Income tax revenue increased 11.1%, profit tax revenue increased 6.2% and excise revenue increased 5.2% in the first four months of 2015.
As for expenditure, social outlays accounted for 51%, expenses for the jobless accounted for 17%, and interest expenditures for 11%.
Expenditure for social outlays in the first four months of 2015 reached HRK 21.9 billion, up 17.7% on the year, expenditure for the jobless amounted to HRK 7.3 billion, a year-on-year fall of 28%, while interest expenditure reached HRK 4.5 billion, up 10.2% on the year.
(EUR 1 = HRK 7.58)