Pursuant with the Article 474 of the Capital Market Act, we hereby inform you as the Issuer of the aforementioned security listed on the Official Market of the Zagreb Stock Exchange, that based on the Share Buy-Back Program adopted by the Management Board of the Issuer Span d.d. (hereinafter: the Company) on 14th January 2022. (in terms of the provision of Article 233, paragraph 3, item 2 of the Companies Act), an investment company Interkapital vrijednosni papiri d.o.o, has in the name and on behalf of the Company, made the following purchase of shares of the Company (own shares), on the regulated market of the Zagreb Stock Exchange (ZSE):
• On 30 th September 2022, 6.691 SPAN shares were purchased at an average weighted price of HRK 239,53519653 per share, which represents 0,3414% of the Company's share capital. Following this purchase, the Company owns a total of 23.490 of own shares, which represents 1,1985% of share capital.
The Company's share capital amounts to HRK 19,600,000.00 and is divided into 1,960,000 ordinary registered shares with a nominal value of HRK 10.00, under security code SPAN-R-A and ISIN code HRSPANRA0007.
Company acquired own shares for the purpose of allocating shares to employees under the Share Buy-Back Program.
The details of the transactions in question are set out in the Template provided with this Notice.
The original document can be downloaded as a PDF
Source of information:
Span d.d.
Koturaška cesta 47,
10000 Zagreb