Running from August 25 to September 2, the event is this year’s biggest boxing tournament.
“The Olympic spirit embodies many of the values that our brand represents, and the AIBA World Championship is the biggest boxing tournament in the world. The event is an excellent opportunity for Borgward as a traditional brand to present our new generation of cars. Borgward Group AG looks forward supporting AIBA, the German Boxing Federation and the city of Hamburg to hold an exceptional boxing tournament”, said Tom Anliker, Vice President Marketing, Sales and Services from Borgward Group AG.
The agreement includes significant financial support for the competition as well as the use of Borgward’s newly developed SUVs BX7 and BX5 as courtesy cars during the tournament.
Further information
Kriegsbergstrasse 11
70174 Stuttgart, Germany
Marco Dalan
Head of Global Communications
Telephone +49 (0) 711 365101041
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