Croatia's contribution to this year's initiative will involve afforestation in the Medvednica nature park to revive areas devastated by storms resulting from climate change, WWF Adria said on Tuesday.
The WWF invited Croatian cities to participate in switching off public and decorative lighting on the most significant sights around the country, and for citizens to take part in the largest volunteer project in the world.
The climate action we take today will determine what our planet will be like in the years to come. Earth Hour is marked on March 19 at 8.30 pm and gives everyone the chance to participate and to help reduce the impact of climate change, said Siddarth Das, Executive Director of Earth Hour Global.
This is the tenth year that Earth Hour is being organised in an effort to promote raising awareness and to raise funds to facilitate access to renewable energy sources, animal protection and their habitats, developing sustainable ways of life and adopting measures in the fight against climate change.
This year, WWF together with Croatia's forest administration Hrvatske Sume and IKEA, is organising the afforestation of a hectare in the Medvednica nature park which requires revival.
Over the past several years storms have hit Medvednica as a consequence of climate change, disrupting the eco-system. There is more than 50,000 square metres of uprooted trees, open mud slides and damaged infrastructure, which are just some of the consequences that we wish to deal with with this action, WWF Adria director Martin Solar said.