08. svibnja 1997.
cijene su u australskim centima po kg
Fine merino 19m 939 Med merino 21m 773
Fine merino 20m 832 Med merino 22m 705
Broad merino 23m 564 Comeback 25m 528n
Broad merino 24m 543 Comeback 26m 516n
Fine Xbred 27m 513n Med Xbred 29m 506n
Fine Xbred 28m 506n Med Xbred 30m 489n
Med Xbred 31m 472n Merino cardings 438
Xbred cardings 397n Eastern mkt ind 660
Australia wool indicator falls 9 cents to 660c/kg
MELBOURNE, May 8 (Reuter) - The Australian wool market
eastern indicator fell another nine cents to 660 cents a kg
clean on Thursday at sales in Sydney and Melbourne, Wool
International said.
The drop took this week's fall in the indicator to 18 cents,
nearly wiping out last week's 19 cent rise.
Merino fleece weakened, with 19/20 microns two percent
cheaper, 21m 1.5 percent cheaper, 22/24/25/26m one percent
cheaper and 23m 2.5 percent cheaper.
In merino skirtings, 19m were slightly cheaper and 20/21/22m
generally unchanged.
In crossbreds, 27/31m were slightly cheaper and 28/29/30m
0.5 percent cheaper.
In cardings, lambs were slightly dearer, locks generally
unchanged and crutchings unchanged.
WI said Japanese interests including China were principal
buyers with support from Taiwan and Western Europe.
Of the 28,875 bales offered, 13.9 percent were passed in.
Sales continue next week in Sydney, Adelaide and Fremantle
with about 110,500 bales to be offered.
Bradford - cijene vune - 08. svibnja 1997.
cijene u penijima/kg
70s SUPER 532 58s SUPER 378
66s SUPER 485 58s BLENDED 361
64s SUPER 417 56s SUPER 345
64s BLENDED 410 54s CARDED 329
60s SUPER 385 50s CARDED 329
60s BLENDED 372 58s ENGLISH 265
56s ENGLISH 253
50s ENGLISH 250
Holidays and lower origin prices keep UK wool quie
LONDON, May 8 (Reuter) - Holiday this week in the UK and on
the Continent coupled with a downturn in Australian prices kept
business on the Bradford wool market at a minimum.
Prices were generally lower due to the origin trend and to
sterling's continued strength, traders said.
However, machinery activity was well maintained with combers
in particular busy and having some problems meeting demand, and
early deliveries were difficult to arrange.
Carpet and woollen sectors were much slower, traders said.
091130 MET may 97
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