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Military graduates promoted on Statehood day

ZAGREB, June 25 (Hina) - Croatian President and Armed Forces Supreme Commander Ivo Josipovic on Monday presented Croatian military academy graduates with diplomas and promoted the best students, members of the Armed Forces, and military students from Slovenia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Germany.

Congratulating the promoted officers and military students, Josipovic said that today, Statehood Day, Croatia remembered with special pride and gratitude its defenders and all those who had given their lives for freedom and democracy.

The Croatian army proudly carries on the freedom-loving traditions of past generations and is a guarantor of our security today. Since the Homeland War, it has fully adapted to the democratic society with new values. It never had the most high-tech and most expensive weaponry and it never will, but it will always have the weaponry and equipment necessary so that the best part of the system, people, can successfully guard freedom and independence, said the President.

The most important element of a successful and motivated army is love for the country and this element was never lacking in the Croatian army, he added.

Josipovic told the promoted army members to continue with their training, saying he advocated equity in the Armed Forces as he did in the entire society.

He highlighted military and all-round cooperation with the countries in the region, saying the fact that the students promoted today included members of Croatia's neighbours was the best proof of that.

Cooperation with neighbours does not include only military training but also humanitarian operations, Josipovic said, adding that Southeast Europe could and must be a region of peace and stability.

The challenges of the crisis are not easy, he said, but added he was sure that Croatian society could and must get back the winner's mentality that characterised it in the toughest times, when it was defending its sovereignty.

The promoted members of the Croatian army were also congratulated by Defence Minister Ante Kotromanovic and the military Chief-of-Staff, Lt. Gen. Drago Lovric.


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