STRASBOURG, Nov 17 (Hina) - "Let me remind you of the death of my native
town of Vukovar that happened on this day two days ago," Count Jacob Eltz
of Vukovar said at the beginning of this afternoon's continued meeting of
the Croatian Parliamentary delegation with the European Parliamentary
delegation for the relations with the republics from the former Yugoslavia.
After three months of defending themselves, a great of Vukovar residents
were killed, 300 injured were dragged from the hospital and killed, both
civilians and defenders were taken to prison camps and tortured. After the
exchanges of prisoners, the destiny of yet another 2,300 persons is not
known, according to Count Eltz's words.
Dr.Franjo Greguric informed the hosts on the privatization process,
stating that there is still a lack of foreign investments, and that Croatia
still has not received any support from the foreign financial institutions.
Talking about the PHARE program Brian Simpson said that the Committee for
the Foreign Economic Relations still has not been given a political sign
from the EC for including the Croatia.
Having stated that the inclusion of Croatia into the PHARE program will
not be connected with the global resolution in the entire territory of the
former Yugoslavia, Dr.Savka Dabcevic Kucar invited the European
Parliamentary representatives to initiate that proposal, since the PHARE
program is Croatia's entrance ticket into other European institutions. She
also suggested that the mandate for the commencement of the negotiations on
concluding a special contract on trade and cooperation be authorized, which
would open doors for the Financial Protocol, and which could be followed by
using other financial means.
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