GENEVA, Dec 7 (Hina) - Foreign Ministers of the Organization of
Islamic Conference's (OIC) Contact Group for Bosnia-Herzegovina
and Ministers of OIC countries whose soldiers are deployed as UN
peace keepers in Bosnia, yesterday adopted a final declaration at a
session in Geneva.
The declaration is on offering assistance to the UN mission in
Bosnia, including soldiers, logistics, and financial aid.
The final declaration also proposes assistance to the Bosnian
Government through UNPROFOR or in other ways.
The tragedy in the region should be immediately stopped by the
mutual recognition of the countries, established in the former
Yugoslavia. The OIC Ministers called on Serbia and Montenegro to
immediately recognize Croatia and Bosnia in their UN-enshrined
borders. The ministers condemned the Bihac onslaught.
The Declaration supported Bosnian Moslems in implementing the
Washington Accords and establishing a confederation with Croatia.
It also welcomed the Croatian delegation's participation in the
The Croatian delegation, headed by Foreign Minister Mate
Granic, participated in the session as an observer.
(Hina) jas mms sd
071234 MET dec 94
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