ZAGREB, Nov 15 (Hina) - Bosnian Serb forces were poised to continue
attacks on the Moslem enclave of Bihac in western Bosnia, the UN in
Zagreb said today.
The UN was expecting the sitution in the Serb-besieged Bihac
pocket to deteriorate, spokesman Michael Williams said.
He said that the 300,000-strong population of the enclave was
completely trapped, along with 1,200 Bangladeshi UN peace-keepers -
and supplies were running low.
Croatian rebel Serbs have been blocking aid convoys for north-
western Bosnia for several weeks.
Breakaway Moslem leader Fikret Abdic was mobilising at least
5,000 men in a refugee centre in the UN Protected Area in Croatia,
Williams said.
"The Serbs seem to be returning weapons the Moslems
surrendered to them while fleeing the Bihac area. The Moslems are
now setting up 'independent military units' which are not part of
Krajina Serb forces," Williams said.
But he could not confirm these refugee units had crossed the
Croatian-Bosnian border and taken part in the fighting yet.
UNHCR has considerably reduced humanitarian aid to western-
Bosnian refugees because of the mobilisation.
"We have not discontinued aid because of women and children
who have no other source of supply. But we are seriously concerned
that refugees are being used for military actions against their own
country," UNHCR spokesman Peter Kessler said.
Williams confirmed that Serb forces positioned east of
Bosanska Krupa yesterday fired seven Russian-made anti-aircraft SA-
2 missiles at Cazin town. Military experts said the Russian
missiles were obviously remodelled for attacks on ground targets.
(hina) jn vm as
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