ZAGREB, Nov 15 (Hina) - President Franjo Tudjman today opened a
session of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) central committee
at the Zagreb Fair compound.
The main item on the agenda is a Government report on
ownership transformation and privatisation.
"Attempts from the opposition ranks to destabilise the HDZ and
Government policy will fail again, as they have failed before,"
Tudjman said.
"Croatia's international position is stable. The world has
watched Croatia maintain a firm and stable democratic order, which
is hardly the case in other former Socialist countries," he said.
Tudjman said Croatia maintained friendly relations with a
number of countries, including the US, China, the European Union
and many Islamic countries.
"But we must not be fooled, the world is what it is, ideas of
restoring Yugoslavia in another form still loom."
Commenting on the Bihac crisis, Tudjman said the world
"expected Croatia to use political means to resolve the crisis."
"But rest assured we won't be a puppet in anybody's hands,"
Tudjman sternly declared, hopeful that "strategic interests of the
Croatian state and the Croatian people in Bosnia-Herzegovina would
be achieved by judicious steps."
The session continued, but without reporters. The committee is
expected to adopt a Statement on the Government report.
(hina) mm as sd
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