BELGRADE, Aug 14 (Hina) - Upon his talks with Bosnian Serbs leaders
in their stronghold of Pale the special envoy of the U.N. Secretary
General, Thorwald Stoltenberg, assessed that the negotiating
process was now "in a period that gives hope that a decision will
be made and selection done that entail a peace solution," according
to Belgrade radio's broadcasting last night.
He said that at the Pale talks he had reiterated the necessity
of endorsing a map (on the territorial division of Bosnia-
Herzegovina) devised by the five-nation Contact Group for Bosnia.
Stoltenberg explained that such a map should be accepted because of
"following process of negotiations on peace."
Stoltenberg said that he had exchanged views with Bosnian Serb
leaders and he would inform U.N. Secretary General of the talks.
(hina) mm
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