BRTONIGLA, March 5 (Hina) - Croatian Prime Minister Nikica Valentic
and Italian Foreign Minister Beniamina Andreatta ceremonially
opened by their speeches the club building of the Italian Community
in the town of Brtonigla, near Buje in Istria. Building of the club
was financed by the Italian government giving funds of one billion
The ceremonial opening of the building was attended by the
Croatian Foreign Minister, Dr. Mate Granic, the Croatian Minister
of Culture and Education, Vesna Girardi-Jurkic and other high
Croatian and Italian government officials.
Croatian Premier Valentic and Italian Foreign Minister
pointed out on this occasion that "Brtonigla is a town that can
show to others how the coexistence between people of different
nationalities can be developed. This is the real bridge of
cooperation and friendship between the Republic of Croatia and the
Republic of Italy."
Prime Minister Valentic added that the Croatian Government
would continue to carry out its commitments in the development of
the peninsula of Istria and its municipalities and towns such as
He underlined that the Italian national minority in Croatia
presented the particular links with Italy and played important role
in improving the relations of Croatia with the neighbouring
Republic of Italy.
Commenting on the current political developments and the fact
that Croatia is encountering the fourth war year, Prime Minister
Valentic expressed hopes that the war was reaching an end, and he
also expressed gratitude to the Republic of Italy and its diplomats
for their involvement in seeking a solution to the crisis on these
In his speech Italian Foreign Minister Andreatta reiterated
the importance and responsibility of the Italian national minority
in Croatia and said "It is great wealth of this region, and on
behalf of the Italian Government I can promise that we will
continue our cooperation and assistance."
052128 MET mar 94
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