TRIESTE, Mar 4 (Hina) - A meeting of foreign ministers of the
Central European Initiative began in Trieste this evening. The aim
of the meeting is to analyse the activities of the Initiative in
the past six months.
The meeting was preceded by a session of national co-
ordinators which began yesterday. Co-ordinators are still preparing
the final document which is to be adopted by the ministers
Croatian Foreign Minister Mate Granic held talks with his
Italian counterpart Beniamino Andreatta. They discussed some points
of the Osimo Treaty, the issue of minorities and economic
The working groups supported Croatia's peace-oriented policy,
particularly the preliminary Washington agreement on the federal
arrangement of Bosnia-Herzegovina and confederal relations between
Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia.
Ahead of the ministerial meeting, Granic gave an interview to
the Italian TV. He said that the Washington agreement was heralded
peace in the former Yugoslavia, and that the final version would be
ready for signing by 15 March. Commenting on bilateral relations
with Italy, Granic said that they were good, but should be
developed. In order to implement the Osimo Treaty, it is necessary
to settle some points with Slovenia first, said Granic, adding that
joint commissions would start work in April, with the view to
implementing the Treaty as soon as possible, primarily in the
sphere of economy.
042151 MET mar 94
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