ZAGREB, March 4 (Hina) - Croatian Foreign Minister Mate Granic
commented on a Croatian-Moslem preliminary agreement, signed in
Washington on Tuesday during US-hosted talks, in a Croatian
television broadcast late Thursday night.
Speaking of reactions to the agreement, Minister Granic said
"we have to be patient and explain all advantages the Croatian
people, both in Herzeg-Bosnia and Croatia, would have with this
agreement." Referring to estimates by some Bosnian Croat
politicians that the agreement did not include territorial
guarantees, Granic pointed out that it provided multiple
guarantees. "Croatia is very interested in a confederation based on
a modern customs, monetary and economic union as well as on defence
alliance, a joint military command and a confederative council. As
for the Croats in Bosnia-Herzegovina, guarantees have been given at
several levels," he said.
Speaking of cantonal autonomy and jurisdiction, Granic said
the cantons would have authority over police, education, culture
and housing. "There are responsibilities that will be exercised at
a federal level, there are common responsibilities and those that
will be exercised exclusively at a cantonal level," he said and
noted that the cantons would be federal units.
According to the Croatian foreign minister, the issue of the
number of cantons had not yet been addressed, except for
Herzegovina, western Bosnia and Posavina, each of which would
constitute a canton. As for central Bosnia, Granic said that
several options were open, and that the exact number of cantons
would be discussed in the next ten days.
Asked how to return at least 20 per cent of Serb-held Bosnian
territory under Moslem and Croat control, Granic replied "through
negotiations, with firm international backing." He stressed that
the Serbs would be offered to join in under the same conditions,
while "the other option was that they retain certain relations with
the (future Bosnian Moslem-Croat) federation as proposed by the
European Union. According to Granic, international views would play
the crucial role for the Bosnian Serbs' decision as well as the
application of all methods that had proved fruitful in recent days.
The Croatian foreign minister reiterated the agreement was not
aimed against the third party.
"I think Croatia has made a firm commitment with both the
signature (on the agreement) and today's address by President
Tudjman, which has encountered favourable international reception.
I can say that the signing of the agreement in the United States
has won almost unanimous recognition among diplomats at the
Security Council and the United Nations. We intend to pursue this
path," Granic emphasized.
Concerning guarantees given by the international community
that occupied Croatian territories would be restored to Croatia and
that financial assistance and cooperation at a military level would
be provided, Granic said: "Such guarantees do not exist on paper,
but I have been discussing the matter with US Vice President Al
Gore, (General) John Shalikashvili, Secretary of Defence William
Perry and Secretary of State Christopher. And not only that ...
numerous solutions from the Kinkel-Juppe Plan are also acceptable,
but need more specification."
"What is most interesting to us is, of course, the
reintegration of the UNPAs into the legal and administrative system
of the Republic of Croatia, and that's what I've discussed with the
UN secretary general. We will draw up our proposal by the middle of
this month and will seek guarantees and support from the United
States, the European Union and other important international
factors," the Croatian foreign minister stressed.
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