ZAGREB, Mar 2 (Hina) - Following are comments of Croatian public
figures and political parties on the preliminary Croat-Moslem
agreement signed last night in Washington.
Liberal leader Drazen Budisa welcomed the signing of the
preliminary agreement between the Croats and the Bosnians. The
statement said the "Bosnian Moslem side accepted a high level of
decentralisation, since the state is to be arranged as a community
of cantons associated on an ethnic principle, while the Croatian
side relinquished its 'confederation or nothing' approach."
Budisa expressed reserves with regard to the future confederation
between Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Social Democrat leader Ivica Racan said his party supported
the preliminary agreement "insofar as it helps bring an end to the
war, achieve a lasting peace, and preserve the integrity of Bosnia-
Herzegovina as the only guarantee against Serbian aggression and
the idea of Greater Serbia, as well as the integrity of Croatia by
solving the problem of occupied territories."
The Socialist Party of Croatia (SSH) greeted the
preliminary agreement "if it is the first step towards the end of
the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina", and if the entire Croatian people
in Bosnia will be enabled to exercise their rights. SSH stressed
that without the participation of the third side in Bosnia, there
is no end to the war.
The Croatian Christian Democratic Union (HKDU) said that
the preliminary agreement "represents a first degree political
event" which is a considerable blow to the Serb side.
The Croatian Christian Democratic Party (HKDS) also greeted
the agreement, but warned that "as long as Serbs do not accept the
solutions within the spirit of the Washington agreement, peace will
not be achieved in Bosnia-Herzegovina and in Croatia".
The Croatian Democratic Party of Rights (HDSP) said that
with this agreement, the first phase of forming the third
Yugoslavia is completed, and it should be prevented by all means.
The Croatian National Council (HNV) of Bosnia-Herzegovina,
established at the Congress in Sarajevo on 6 February, fully
supported the agreement mentioning that president of the HNV Ivo
Komsic and member of the Council friar Ivan Bubalo participated in
the Washington talks within the frame of the delegation of Bosnia-
Herzegovina and that they represented interests of Bosnian Croats.
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