ZAGREB, Feb 5 (Hina) - The 36th session of the Croatian
Presidential Council for Defence and National Security was held on
Friday night in Zagreb under the chairmanship of the President of
the Republic of Croatia, Dr Franjo Tudjman, stated the Presidential
Office. The Presidential Office issued today the conclusions made
on the last night's session:
The Council discussed the Presidential Statement of the U.N.
Security Council (issued on the 3rd February 1994), and made
conclusions that all necessary measures should be undertaken in
order to explain all contentious issues, rising from that
statement, to the U.N. Security Council in connection with the
implementation of the demand forwarded to the Republic of Croatia,
so that the U.N. Secretary-General could deliver in due time to the
U.N. a relevant report, based on the facts.
It was estimated that the Presidential Statement of the U.N.
Security Council had been made on the ground of the unjust, and not
based on the facts, report of Haris Silajdzic and on the ground of
the accusations of the deployment of 30,000 members of the Croatian
Army in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The demand of Silajdzic, supported by
some of the Islamic countries, was made with the obvious intention
to exert international pressure on the Republic of Croatia, and on
all the warring factions in B-H in order to achieve a political
The statement, issued by the Croatian Presidential Office,
emphasizes that, in accordance with its Constitution and with the
Agreement on Cooperation and Partnership signed by Presidents
Tudjman and Izetbegovic on the 12th of July 1992 Croatia has
helped in the defence of the Croatian and the Moslem people since
the beginning of the Serbian aggression, and has accepted over half
a million refugees from B-H, still offering aid and care to 282,000
refugees, most of whom are Moslems.
"The Presidential Council for Defence and National Security
received with surprise both the accusations made by Sarajevo's
Government and the Presidential Statement of the U.N.S.C., because
of the fact that Croatia, according to the international factors'
acknowledge, has shown the greatest cooperation in seeking a
solution for the cessation of the war and in searching for a
political settlement to the B-H crisis," said the statement of the
Croatian Presidential Office.
This statement adds that: "the (Croatian) Council holds that
Croatia should continue with its peace-making policy," because of
the perservence of the Croatian people in B-H and the security of
the Croatian state.
"In the connection with this, the Council points out the
necessity that the international community should undertake more
efficient steps both in order to stop the war caused by the Serbian
aggression as well as to stop the offensives of the Moslem forces
against the Croatian areas in B-H, especially in Central Bosnia..."
where several thousand of the Croatian civilian inhabitants are
endangered in some of the Croatian enclaves.
"Considering the allegations of the deployment of elements of
the Croatian Army in the war in B-H, the (Croatian) Council
stresses the fact that the units of the Croatian Army are present
in the areas near the border between B-H and Croatia- above
Dubrovnik, toward Stolac and Neretva, on the defence lines toward
the Serbs, what is in comformity with the above-mentioned Agreement
on the Cooperation and Partnership between B-H and the Republic of
The Council reiterates that Croatia has allowed the departure
up to 2000 volunteers from the Republic of Croatia, who are by
origin from B-H, to offer help to their fellow-countrymen in Bosnia
to protect themselves from the aggression and the ethnic cleansing.
The world knows very well that these volunteers as members of the
Croatian Defence Council have undertaken no operations aimed at
capturing territories of the others, but that they are defending
their homes...," according to today's statement.
"On the contrary to these Croatian volunteers, three time
more mujahhedines fundamentalists from foreign countries are
fighting for the Moslem side, so that not only Croatia is worried
but also Europe by the strengthening and expansion of the
"As regards the allegations that regular units of the
Croatian Army are present in Central and southern Bosnia, the
Defence Ministry of the Republic of Croatia will propose necessary
steps in the conformity with the demand of the Presidential
Statement of the U.N.S.C.. Croatia does not only express readiness
but it also makes request that the international control be
conducted into the real situation and the truthfulness of the
allegations on the basis of which further conclusions of the U.N.
Security Council are to be made."
The statement of the Croatian Presidential Office also
announces that the Croatian Council considered the Croatian House
of Representatives' Resolution on Foreign Policy adopted on the 2nd
of February 1994 by which the Croatian Parliament called on the
Moslems to cease "immediately and unconditionall" their offensive
on the region inhabited with the Croats. If thay has not done it
,the Croatian Government is requested to reconsider "the present
situation in the diplomatic relations between the Republic of
Croatia and the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, and to undertake
appropriate steps in accordance with the reevaluation of that
"The Council is calling on the immediate and unconditional
cessation of fire and on the resuming of the negotiations in order
to achieve a Croatian-Moslem agreement in the spirit of the
Contractual Agreement on the Establishment of the Permanent and
Complete Peace between the Croatian and Bosniak-Moslem Peoples in
B-H and the negotiations on the grounds for the further
coexistence, which were proposed by the President of the Republic
(of Croatia) at the meeting with the Bosnian delegation in Bonn on
the 10th of January 1994.
If these efforts yield no results, Croatia should reconsider
the entire relations with the Sarajevo-based Government, and the
Government of the Republic of Croatia is to assume the task to make
records of all representative offices and organizations of B-H that
function in the Republic of Croatia. The Council thinks it
impermissible that the Sarajevo-based Government can use the
territory of the Republic of Croatia for the organization and
logistics of its military activities which lead to expulsion and
ethnical cleansing of Croats.
The Council requests that the international community
proclaim the endangered Croatian enclaves in B-H to be safe havens
and support the guarantees for the survival of the Croatian
people," according to today's statement.
It goes on as saying that: "The Council has accepted the
proposal on the approach to the NATO's programme of "The
Partnership for Peace" and backed the intention of the Republic of
Croatia to join this process," and the Council ordered to the
Foreign Ministry to elaborate the final proposal.
The statement also says that the Council "as regards the issue
of the transformation of the "Dalmacijacement" company, which has
recently been raised connected with the trial in Italy" found out
that from the Croatian side there were no improprieties which might
cause negative effects for the interest of the Croatian state..."
"The Council is informed of the undertaken steps in the
implementation of the Declaration on the Normalization of the
Relations between Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
at which the immediate realization should be conducted giving no
reason for speculations in this matter. The Council especially
emphasizes that the agreement in principle on the normalization of
the Croatian-Serbian relations is not directed against Moslems, but
it should be taken as the contribution to the faster achievement of
a solution to the crisis in B-H.
The Council fully supports the efforts of the Government of
the Republic of Croatia aimed at the solution of all the
contentious issues as soon as possible with the neighbouring
Republic of Slovenia, in which the Council points out the
necessity that the issue of the Bay of Piran and the connection of
Croatia with Europe should be simultaneously solved," says the
statement of the Croatian Presidential Office issued after the 36th
session of the Croatian Council for Defence and National Security.
052217 MET feb 94
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