ZAGREB, Feb 2 (Hina) - Croatian President Tudjman received the
Premiers of Turkey and Pakistan, Tansu Ciller and Benazir Bhutto,
on Wednesday evening, said the presidential office.
The two premiers acquainted President Tudjman with their
impressions from Sarajevo. They stressed the importance of
restoring peace and trust between Bosnian Croats and Moslems, to
which end Turkey and Pakistan were willing to put forth all their
efforts. Premier Bhutto supported the inviolability of
internationally recognised borders of both Bosnia-Herzegovina and
Croatia and the inadmissibility of ethnic cleansing. Premier Ciller
said a just peace should be achieved.
President Tudjman agreed that Bosnian Croats and Moslems
should reach an understanding. He suggested that both Premiers
propose to their Governments that a peace summit be held between
the interested countries. The two Premiers welcomed the initiative.
Turkish Premier Ciller said her country would be glad to host
such a meeting, because achieving peace was the interest of the
entire Europe and the world.
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