ZAGREB, May 16 (Hina) - Terror over non-Serb population and the
devastation of Croatian Catholic churhces in Serb-held Banja Luka
and its surroundings were continuing, the Zagreb-based community of
Croats from northwestern Bosnia reported on Tuesday.
On the night between May 14 and 15 unknown persons raided the
house of the Grgic family in the village of Motike, in the Banja
Luka outskirts. They shot two bullets at 65-year-old Franjo Grgic
and his 64-year-old wife Zlata, killing them. After the murder
terrorists looted thouroghly the house of the Grgics.
Last night terrorist set an explosive device to the chapel on
Durbic Brdo, in the parish of Motike. In the blast the chapel and
belfry were seriously damaged. The terrorists also opened small
arms fire at the chapel and the symbols of Croats' presence in the
area, the same report said.
(hina) jn mms
161824 MET may 95
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