UNESIC, May 11 (Hina) - Drnis authorities in exile today addressed
UNCRO H.Q., UN Civilian Police and International Red Cross
Committee seeking for urgent intervention in order to protect the
remaining Croats in the town.
The southern Croatian town of Drnis came under rebel Serb
control in 1991. Most of its Croat residents have been expelled
since, but the remaining 450 have been recently exposed to
increased terror by Serb rebels.
The terror was intensified after the liberation of western
Slavonia. Serb irregulars were looting, maltreating the remaining
Croats, mostly elderly people, driving them out of their homes.
Many of them were forced to leave town and take shelter in the
surrounding unhospitable hills.
Not only Croats, but also local Serbs were often subject to
terror, the Drnis authorities said, particularly during last few
days, following the arrival of some extreme paramilitary groups
from Serbia.
(Hina) jn bk
111448 MET may 95
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