SARAJEVO, May 10 (Hina) - Four people were hurt this morning as
Bosnian Serb forces fired two mortar shells on the Old town of
Sarajevo, the Press Office of Bosnian army 1st Corps said.
A general alert in the city was sounded at 10.40 hours.
Bosnian Serbs were fiercely attacking at the government forces
positions on Mt. Treskavica, 20 km south of Sarajevo, the same
source said, adding that all the attacks were rejected.
The UN Protection Force H.Q. in Sarajevo today confirmed a
Serb tank being in UN-designated "exclusion zone" around the city.
The tank, which had fired seven rounds on the city two days ago,
was only three kilometers away of the separation line.
Yesterday afternoon Serbs broke into a UN-controlled depot at
the Sarajevo suburb of Ilidza and immediately fired two rounds from
the first mortar they laid their hands on in the storage area.
They also opened small-arms fire at a civilian vehicle near
the airport yesterday, while this morning a car with journalists
was fired at on the Mt. Igman road, west of Sarajevo.
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