SARAJEVO, April 10 (Hina) - Serbs launched several mortar shells on
the centre of Sarajevo between 08:00 and 09:00 pm Sunday when a
series of detonations rocked the very centre of the city.
The mortar attack killed three Sarajevans and wounded several
citizens, local police sources said.
NATO jets flew over the city after 10:00 pm Sunday following
the Serb mortar assault on the Bosnian capital.
A spokesman for UN Protection Force Sector Sarajevo, Pierre
Chavancy, told a Hina correspondent last night that they could not
confirm reports on the casualties of the attack. Chavancy said four
groups of UN military observers had began an investigation into the
UN military observers were informed that up to six explosions
rocked Sarajevo's municipality of Stari Grad on Sunday night, he
One of the shells landed just 50 metres from the Bosnian
Presidency's building.
Serbs, stationed at their strongholds around Sarajevo, had
launched mortar attacks on the very centre of the city for three
nights consecutively.
Last night the state-run Sarajevo Television broadcast reports
on damage caused in the downtown during the latest Serb attacks.
Sarajevo has been put on general alert for more than 24 hours
because of Serb onslaughts.
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