SPLIT, March 27 (Hina) - UN Protection Force Sector South
Commander, Major General Rastislav Kotil, today issued a statement
on the attack on "blue helmets" of March 19 in Sector South,
carried out by the Croatian Army (HV) and the Croatian Defence
Council (HVO) members.
With the statement, Kotil wanted to respond to the
interpretation of the incident made on March 22 by the Croatian
Army Deputy Commander in the Split district, 1st Lieutenant Mario
Kotil said the UN patrol had not been surrounded by the Serb
militia when the attack was launched, as 1st Lt. Tomasovic
contended, when he reported that fire was opened on Serb militaries
spotted accompanying the group Kotil was in.
The UN patrol had been in the area of Sector South and not in
the Separation Zone, Kotil said, adding that UN forces had free
movement permission in the UNPA zone. Tomasovic, on the other hand,
reported that UN patrols had to be announced to the side which
controlled the area from where one would enter the separation zone,
UN Commander's statement said.
Kotil's third remark referred to the report saying that fire
was opened by the Croatian Defence Council's troops located above
Budim (southeastern part of Sector South), while the Croatian Army
troops fired several warning shots.
Kotil said this only proved that the Croatian Army and the
Croatian Defence Council were cooperating in the Budim region.
The shooting had continued for some 40 minutes and it was hard
to believe, said Kotil, that the single shot had been only for
(hina) mar rm sd
272116 MET mar 95
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