ZAGREB, March 24 (Hina) - The Croatian House of Representatives
session scheduled to commence at 11am has been delayed because of
consultations amongst Opposition members and a meeting of the HDZ
club of deputies.
The session is expected to begin as soon the HDZ club of
deputies, which includes HDZ secretary Zlatko Canjuga, finishes
its meeting.
HDZ deputies were working out their position on the report
from Foreign Minister Mate Granic.
Since Parliament speaker Nejeljhko Mihanovic was absent, it
remained unclear as to who would preside over the session -
deputy speaker Vladimir Seks or first deputy speaker Goran
Granic, a member of the Social Liberal party. It was because of
doubts surrounding this issue that most Opposition deputies
yesterday walked out of Parliament.
The House of Representatives agenda also included a no
confidence vote in Culture Minister Zlatko Vitez and amendments
to a bill on the rights of parliamentary deputies.
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