ZAGREB, Feb 14 (Hina) - Mostar will remain one city and we will not
allow it to be divided into two ghettos - everything else is
negotiable, EU Administrator in Mostar Hans Koschnik told a press
conference today after his meeting with Croatian President Franjo
Koschnik said Croatia had a strategic interest in establishing
the Moslem-Croat Federation.
"If the people could live without separation lines and enjoed
full freedom of movement, then the Bosnian Federation might
succeed," he said.
Speaking about the situation in Mostar, Koschnik stressed the
problem of mines which had not been cleared in all neighbourhoods.
The Croat Defence Council (HVO) had removed all the mines from
their territory and prepared the area for rebuilding.
Koschnik believed he would be able to integrate police forces
in Mostar, even if the process would take longer then he had
thought. The decision itself was a great step forward, he added.
Referring to the demilitarization of the city, he said the
center was aldready demilitarized.
But both the HVO and the Bosnian army were present in the
greater Mostar area.
"But then, I want them to be there because the front line
toward the Serbs is only 3 to 10 km away from the downtown area,"
Koschnik said.
If the troops completely withdrew, the people of Mostar would
live in fear, he said.
"Troops on both sides are a guarantee for maintaining peace,"
Koschnik concluded.
(Hina) mar rv as
141726 MET feb 95
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