ZAGREB, Feb 4 (Hina) - "Croatia has asked the European Union to
increase its food quota for Croatian and Bosnian refugees," Head of
the Government Office for Refugees, Adalbert Rebic, said today.
"The monthly quota of seven thousand tons of food is not
enough to feed 400 thousand people," Rebic said at a meeting with
the vice-chairman of the European Parliament Budget Control
Committee, Denmark's Freddy Blak.
"Even ten thousand tons would not be sufficient," Rebic said.
He said the refugees and displaced persons were in a
"critical" situation.
"None of them has died of starvation, but their life is
reduced to a struggle for survival," Rebic said.
"A four-member displaced family receives a monthly benefit of
250 DEM from the Croatian Government, and a four-member refugee
family receives 100 DEM," he specified.
Rebic suggested that the EU procure part of the food in
Croatia, which would both cut transport costs and help Croatian
"That would be a direct help," he said.
Rebic said Croatia also needed assistance to reconstruct
damaged houses in 175 villages in war-torn areas and to buil new
refugee facilities with fewer inmates.
"If we do not manage to return the displaced persons to their
homes this year, the Government should build housing developments,"
Granic said.
(hina) mm as
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